There are several types of visitor management systems in the market. They can be categorized in different ways. In this blog, we categorise them into three main types, basic, average, and good, and then a fourth - the rare type.
In the following sections, we’ll analyse each type of visitor management system. Which type a business opts for depends on several factors, most importantly, its organizational goals and processes.
Most VMSs have capabilities ranging from basic to advanced. But “beyond a point” none of them - except the fourth type - may be able to resolve complicated process-based challenges.
In the last section of this blog, we’ll discuss the fourth category of VMS - that can not only bend to meet any process requirement but also seamlessly integrate into the rest of the processes of your business.
The Essential Visitor Software for Basic Needs
Most visitor management systems available in the market are simple software that takes care of basic visitor processes in an organization. They’re at best, a replacement of pen and paper registers at the reception or security guard’s desk. At worst, they’re a useless tool that perhaps, once you’ve bought it, you can’t do much about. If you want this system in place of paper registers and expect nothing more than basic features, then it makes sense to have this type of visitor software for your business.
The Intermediate VMS - Simple And Straightforward
Some of the VMSs in the market have more useful functionalities compared to the basic ones. As long as the processes they deal with are simple and straightforward, they do the job well. For example, this type of VMS would record visitor entries and exits and present the data in a dashboard. But as soon as the actual visitor scenario or process gets somewhat tricky and detailed, this type of visitor system starts exhibiting limitations in its capability to handle them.
The system may not have the capability to differentiate between a diverse range of visitor categories such as vendors, delivery persons, laborers, and even staff. It may not be able to create special passes, say, for temporary guests who may need to visit the premises daily but for a limited period.
They may or may not integrate well with other process based systems and solutions.
An Advanced Visitor System with Enhanced Features for Modern Needs
This advanced type of visitor management system is smarter than the other two we have discussed. A few VMSs fall under this category. It is a smart software that has rich functionalities and can deal with diverse process requirements. For example, such a visitor management system not only records visitor entries and exits but also complements the safety and security mechanism of an organization. It does so by identifying irregularities in the visits made by visitors and alerting the admin or authorities.
Not all visitor systems have the capabilities to recognize visitor behaviour. The smart ones can identify unusual visitor behaviours such as over-staying in the premises, making an entry into the premises but not meeting the host, and so on. Needless to say, its dashboard would offer rich visitor analytics that can be further used to make safety and security decisions for the organization. The better ones in this group of VMS would integrate well with other processes and systems.
A VMS Based on Sophisticated And High-Tech Innovations - The Rare Breed
If visitor management systems had a look, this type would appear like an unicorn. But who cares about looks and unicorns when we’re talking about capabilities, right?
In terms of capabilities, this breed of VMS supersedes every other type. One important feature of this category of visitor management system is that it is extremely flexible and can deal with any visitor scenario including that involving hardware. The reason being that it is not just a sophisticated software but also controls the hardware, especially, access hardware at entry and exit points. Think innovative IoT technology.
By definition, a VMS is a system that manages visitor and visitor-related processes. Capabilities or how it manages them is what differentiates the best from the basic ones.
Just having more functionalities may not even mean much if the system does not help you achieve your process goals. And if your process goals are unique and complex, most VMSs won’t be suitable for you.
This is where the rare type makes a difference. They are built using the latest technologies and are flexible enough to deal with unique visitor scenarios, safety & security issues, and access control issues.
Let’s take an example. Most organizations have some type of access hardware already installed, such as gates, doors, flap barriers, and so on. Some of them opt only for the best brands in the hardware category. But the problem arises when their visitor and other people processes have to bend as per the hardware because you cannot do much if a hardware barrier has already been installed. This is a common barrier (no pun intended) faced by most organisations.
In the absence of a flexible software that also integrates with hardware - new or existing, the organizational processes around the hardware remain more or less inflexible. You don’t have to face any of these issues with the fourth type of visitor management system. In managing your processes, it can accomplish anything you want it to. However, it’s not easy to build and very few VMS makers would venture into such areas. That’s why we call them the rare breed.
In conclusion, there are a diverse range of VMS offerings in the market to suit every organization. What one opts for depends on several factors, including budget and pricing. We hope our discussion in this blog would be helpful to you in your search for the VMS that is just right for your organization.